Over 900 Covid Mutual Aid groups set up across the UK
Posted on 18 Mar 2020 Categories: Blog, Coronavirus, Local initiatives Related Tags:
by Rethinking Poverty
Over 900 local groups have now been established across the UK to provide support to people throughout the covid-19 outbreak. A spokesperson for Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK said:
‘In every country, it is the old, the sick and those suffering from the vast social inequalities in our society who will be affected worse. But this global crisis required a local response. That is where we come in.’
They describe themselves as
‘a group of volunteers supporting local community groups organising mutual aid … providing resources and connecting people to their nearest local groups, willing volunteers and those in need.’
The group is run entirely by volunteers and not medical professionals. The central network is led by around 10 campaigners steering the network, but each group is independent. Volunteers normally self-organise on Facebook or Whatsapp, and homes are then leafleted with information about what help is on offer along with contact details and a message of hope and support.
Local groups will coordinate care efforts for people who are self-isolating, with a particular focus on high-risk groups, offering to bring people the basic things they need – from prescriptions to the weekly food shop. They also offer support to the ‘many, many people who are feeling more isolated than ever’, speaking on the phone and boosting morale. Volunteers have offered to drive, cook food or even run online music lessons.
The spokesperson says:
‘With thousands of people already self-isolating, and the over 70s being told to stay indoors within weeks, it’s crucial we make these connections now.’
Find out more about Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK here.
Posted on 18 Mar 2020 Categories: Blog, Coronavirus, Local initiatives Related Tags: