Join us for the first West Midlands Community Wealth Building Summit
Speakers Include
Matthew Brown, Leader, Preston City Council
Neil McInroy, CEO, CLES
Chris Worsey, Cabinet Advisor for Community Wealth Building, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Community Wealth Building
Across the UK – and beyond – people are recognising the limits of the economic development model that prizes economic growth over social and environmental need. They want to build a different kind of economy, one that is fairer, greener and works for communities, people and places. Community Wealth Building offers just that, and the movement behind it is growing.
Who it’s for
The Summit is for anyone who wants to build an economy that works for all. Over the last ten years, Community Wealth Building ideas have been taken up and applied by an ever-growing number of socially minded businesses and social and public sector organisations across the regions and countries of the UK. This event will bring together people from across these sectors and places, from local authorities and credit unions to community owned football clubs and hospitals.